
Your Support Transforms Lives

Your support can change the future for troubled youth and their families. At The Prison Dr, we believe in the power of redemption and the strength of second chances

Every donation you make helps us provide life-changing mentorship and resources to those who need it most. Join us in making a difference today—because together, we can bring hope where it’s needed most.

Transform Lives, One Donation at a Time

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Choose How You Want to Make an Impact

  • One-Time Donations A one-time donation is a powerful way to make an immediate difference. Your contribution, whether large or small, will help us reach more families in need, provide essential resources, and continue our mission to guide troubled youth towards a brighter future.
  • Recurring Donations Become a part of our ongoing mission by setting up a recurring donation. This option allows you to provide continuous support, ensuring that we can sustain our programs and reach even more at-risk youth. Your consistent generosity helps us plan and expand our outreach, knowing that we can count on your support every month

Your donation supports our various programs that provide mentorship, counseling, and resources to at-risk youth and their families. Depending on the option you choose, your funds could help sustain our ongoing mentorship programs, support specific initiatives like the Champion A Child program, or be allocated to where it’s needed most.

Yes, all donations to The Prison Dr are tax-deductible. After you donate, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your donation receipt, which can be used for tax purposes.

Setting up a recurring donation is easy. When you choose the amount you’d like to give, select the “Recurring Donation” option. You can choose the frequency (monthly, quarterly, etc.) that works best for you, and your donation will be automatically processed according to your preference.

Absolutely. You can adjust the amount, frequency, or cancel your recurring donation at any time. Just contact our support team, and we’ll be happy to assist you with any changes.

Your donation directly supports our mission to help troubled youth and their families. For example, a $150 donation can sponsor a child in our Champion A Child program for one month, providing them with critical mentorship and support. Our impact calculator on this page shows exactly how your donation makes a difference.

We take your privacy and security seriously. All donations are processed through a secure platform, and your personal information is never shared or sold. You can donate with confidence knowing that your details are protected.

In addition to donating, there are many ways to get involved, such as volunteering or becoming a corporate sponsor. Visit our Get Involved page for more information on how you can support our mission.

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Real Stories, Real Impact

I can really see a real improvement in my girls. Thank you Prison Dr!"

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