Atlanta’s #1 Prison Prevention Specialist

Empowering Our Youth to Raise the Bar, Not Spend Time Behind Them.

As a society, we MUST invest
in prevention & early intervention

We take vitamins and other measures to reduce our risk of disease so why aren’t we taking measures to reduce our future generations’ risk of youth delinquency? Early intervention and rehabilitation is necessary to guide children onto a path to a productive adulthood.


Children are incarcerated
daily in the United States 

1 in 10

Juveniles are incarcerated
in adult prisons

0 %

of released prisoners were 
re-arrested in the first year following release.

We educate, empower, and support at-risk youth and their families through our various mentorship initiatives aimed to strengthen mental, emotional, & physical endurance.

our Programs

Student Immersion

The Prison Dr. brings the prison experience up front and personal to your classroom or small group. In this immersive experience, The Prison Dr. exposes criminal thinking patterns and gives the audience a taste of prison life.

House Calls

The Prison Dr. comes to your home, church, or school and has a face-to-face intervention with a troubled child, teen, or young adult. Each house call is an intense 60-90 minute personal mentorship program intended to redirect and transform a life worth saving.

Parent Up

You are your child's #1 influence. We help you to be the best influence possible by providing insight and resources to help your child navigate the challenges of growing up including; alcohol, drugs, violence, sex, mental health, and more.

corrective mentorship

Program Benefits

Prison focuses on punishment, NOT on rehabilitation. Early intervention not only saves young lives from being wasted behind bars, but also prevents the onset of adult criminal behavior and reduces the likelihood of youth becoming serious and violent offenders. Additional benefits of our mentorship programs include:

in Depression

Lower School
Drop Out Rate

Higher Self


Less Trouble
with the Law

Reduction in
Alcohol & Drug Use

Support Our Mission

Help Us Empower
Our At-Risk Youth