Who We Are

Prison DOC, INC. (The Prison Dr.) is a 501(c)(3) organization for Delinquency Prevention (I21) by Myron Fountaine. 

After spending half his life behind bars for Vehicular Armed Robbery when he was just nineteen, Fountaine has dedicated his life to mentoring at-risk youth to redirect them onto a path to success. He has made it his mission to mentor children, teens, and young adults to help them reach their greatest potential and not spend a single day behind bars. 

Our Prison Doctors all speak from experience and build each relationship on a foundation of trust. It is human nature to put more weight in the words spoken by someone who has “Walked the Walk” rather than those who simply “Talk the Talk”. Our mentorship and after-school programs are designed to give children a purpose and sense of belonging so they can live up to their greatness. 

What We Do

We help empower at-risk youth by providing the tools and support they need to raise the bar and not spend a lifetime behind them. We also help reduce the recidivism rate by employing ex-offenders and providing them with resources to get back on their feet so that they STAY OUT of prison. 


Our mentorship programs help re-direct children, teens, and young adults who are heading down the wrong path. We give them the knowledge and support they need to live up to their greatness and not spend a single day behind bars. 

We provide resources, classes, and support for families of at-risk youth to help them raise good members of society.

Our intervention and mentorship programs not only keep at-risk youth from going to prison, they also keep ex-offenders from returning to prison. The Prison Dr. helps reduce the recidivism rate by employing (heavily vetted & non-violent) ex-offenders and providing them with the resources they need to smoothly transition back into society. 

How we do it

We believe that when you know better, you do better. We educate, empower, and support at­-risk youth and their families through our various initiatives aimed to strengthen the mental, emotional, and physical endurance.



The Prison Dr. brings the prison experience up front and personal to your classroom or small group. In this immersive experience, The Prison Dr. exposes criminal thinking patterns and gives the audience a taste of prison life.

House Calls

The Prison Dr. comes to your home, church, or school and has a face-to-face intervention with a troubled child, teen, or young adult. Each house call is an intense 60-90 minute personal mentorship program intended to redirect and transform a life worth saving.

Parent Up

You are your child's #1 influence. We help you to be the best influence possible by providing insight and resources to help your child navigate the challenges of growing up including; alcohol, drugs, violence, sex, mental health, and more.

meet our

board of directors

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Help Us Empower
Our At-Risk Youth

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